Current Video Bible Study Collection
The I AM Statements of Jesus
In the Book of John, Jesus seven times declares “I AM,” which in Hebrew is translated “Yahweh.” Each statement was a slightly different way of describing Jesus’ divine nature.. The series is hosted by Dr. Bill Brunson and Dr. Kipp McClurg. There are written Bible study questions that can be accessed through a .pdf link in the Youtube description of each episode.
1. I AM the Light of the World
2. I AM the Good Shepherd
3. I AM is the Resurrection and the Life
4. I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life
5. I AM the Vine
Paul: Understanding his Complicated Ministry
The Apostle Paul has been one of the more controversial figures in the New Testament since the day that God blinded him with light on the road to Damascus. Unlike the other disciples, he was not from Galilee but was instead raised a strict Jew in a multi-cultural, Roman city called Tarsus. He was exposed to many languages, religions, Greek philosophies, and cultures. He wrote half of the books of the New Testament, but many are afraid to read his works because they don’t understand this complicated man. There are written Bible study questions that can be accessed through a .pdf link in the Youtube description for each of the episodes. The series is led by Dr. Bill Brunson and Dr. Kipp McClurg.
1. When Jesus Messes with your Assumptions
2. Apostle to the Gentiles
3. We Don't Follow Jesus Alone
4. Paul, Christ, & Cultures
5. Saved by Grace Through Faith - A Message Worth Dying For
To the Cross
Since the earliest days of the Christian faith, pilgrims have retraced the steps of Jesus on long night leading to his crucifixion. This series retraces those steps to learn the theological meaning and symbols of the path of the Via Dolorosa. It is led by Dr. Bill Brunson and Dr. Kipp McClurg. There are written Bible study questions that can be accessed through a .pdf link in the Youtube description for each of the five episodes.
The Garden and Betrayal
Condemnation at Caiaphas’ Home
Trial and Scourging at Pilate’s Fortress
The Way of Suffering
Jesus Dies
Building Blocks of Faith
When pastors teach sixth graders about the meaning and history of their faith in Confirmation classes, adult sponsors have often asked, “Could we ever get a refresher course on these topics for adults?” This series looks at the building blocks of faith that are foundational to following Jesus Christ. There are written Bible study questions that can be accessed through a .pdf link in the Youtube description for each of the episodes. The series is led by Dr. Bill Brunson and Dr. Kipp McClurg.
1. The Trinity
2. The Story of Methodism
3. Sin and Salvation
4. The Sacraments
5. The Call to Discipleship
Spoiler Alert: The Revlelation!
The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is one book many fear to go, and a place others should go less often…But if one applies the same Biblical interpretation principles to this book as is done to all others, the theological themes of hope and God’s reign shine bright. It also helps to learn that most every image, story, and phrase in the book has roots in the Old Testament. There are written Bible study questions that can be accessed through a .pdf link in the Youtube description for each of the episodes. The series is led by Dr. Bill Brunson and Dr. Kipp McClurg.
1. Who, What, Where, When, Why?
2. Old Testament and Numerical Symbols
3. Saints and Earth and in Heaven
4. The Seven Churches in Asia Minor
5. The Nature of Evil and Judgements
6. The End of Evil
7. All Things New
Navigating Change - Daniel
Change comes, and usually when we need it the least. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego found themselves in such a situation. They were taken far away from home in Jerusalem, watched their homeland destroyed, and could choose to either serve the conquering King or die. They chose to help the Babylonians, and even thrived into leadership. But through it all, they were grounded in their faith, even as their lives were at stake. This three-week series, led by Dr. Bill Brunson and Dr. Kipp McClurg, is based on the Book of Daniel, as well as three leadership books. There are written Bible study questions that can be accessed through a .pdf link in the Youtube description for each of the three episodes.
1. Unwanted Change - “Who Moved my Cheese”
2. Negotiated Change - “Orbiting the Giant Hairball”
3. Change Guided by Purpose - “Start with Why”
One Week Left - Lent
What if you had one week left in life, what would you do? This series looks at the last week of the life of Jesus and recalls how he spent his last days, who he spent them with, and why he chose his actions. The episodes are also found in “Bill and Kipp’s Excellent Bible Adventure - John,” but have been modified as a series for Lent. There are written Bible study questions that can be accessed through a .pdf link in the Youtube description for each of the episodes. The sessions are led by Dr. Kipp McClurg and Dr. Bill Brunson.
1. Jesus Anointed / Triumphal Entry
2. Washing the Disciples’ Feet
3. I am the Vine / Upper Room
4. Betrayal / Denial / Sentence
5. Passion / Crucifixion / Burial
Shake it Up - Advent!
How do you make a snow globe work? You shake it up. That is why God in Jesus was born into the world: to shake the world (and us) and return us to the way it was created to be. The theme of being shaken up by Jesus is considered in the lives of four Bible characters. There are written Bible study questions that can be accessed through a .pdf link in the Youtube description for each of the eight episodes.
1 Joseph
2. Herod
3. Zecharaiah
4. Mary
Mysterious Pathways of Joy
From the book by Kipp McClurg (available on Amazon), this series can be summed up by the description from the back cover. “Joy rarely comes through the front door. It often appears where we are least expecting it.” The sessions include how joy find us. There are written Bible study questions that can be accessed through a .pdf link in the Youtube description for each episode.
1. Through Grace
2. Through Adversity
3. Through Simplicity
4. Through Thin Spaces
The Gospel of John
This herculean series of twenty-nine episodes was the first we ever filmed, and launched The Life of Looking at the community of believers that surrounded St. John and helped him write five books of the New Testament, it is chapter-by-chapter look at the entire book. Portions of it are also found in “John’s One-Hit Wonders,” “Who Was John?” and “One Week Left”. There are written Bible study questions that can be accessed through a .pdf link in the Youtube description for each of the eight episodes. The series is led by Dr. Bill Brunson and Dr. Kipp McClurg.
John's One-Hit Wonders
John’s Gospel includes a number of unique characters not found in other books of the Bible, and often these are long and involved conversations that reveal much about God’s Kingdom and following Jesus. Five stories are included in this series and are led by Dr. Bill Brunson and Dr. Kipp McClurg. There are written Bible study questions that can be accessed through a .pdf link in the Youtube description for each of the eight episodes.
1. Nicodemus
2. The Woman at the Well
3. Healing at the Pool
4. Woman Caught in Adultery
5. Man Born Blind
Who Was St. John?
St. John was a disciple of Jesus, and later the leader of a religious community that helped him write St. John, 1,2 & 3 John, as well as the Book of the Revelation. He lived longer than any of the other disciples, and his theology creates beautiful expressions of God and God’s Kingdom. This is series led by Dr. Kipp McClurg and Dr. Bill Brunson.
1. Which John is it, Anyway?
2. What Makes John Unique? Part A
3. What Makes John Unique? Part B
4. The Holy Spirit and Amelia Badellia
5. The Latter Part of John’s Life